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A mom's online sitter review



Would You Hire a Hot Sitter? See What Most Moms Think ...

March 28, 2012

I used to hear friends of mine give advise half jokingly (or half seriously?) to other moms to never hire a hot sitter for obvious reasons. Of course, we would laugh about it because of the insane thought of the hubby babysitting the sitter instead. What a thought, huh? Well, who knows? Well, here's what a majority of women really think. A recent survey commissioned by Sittercity revealed that a majority of moms will hire good looking sitters.

"A survey commissioned by Sittercity found that only 7 percent of (2,662) respondents stated they would not hire a beautiful babysitter or nanny. In fact the most important attribute when looking for a childcare provider is that they engage, educate and enhance their children's lives."

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I guess there remains a minority (7%) who still feel threatened by a hot sitter? Maybe these 7% feel, think, or believe that there is a chance, however slim, that their hubby might run away with the hot sitter. Who knows? We really can't make an educated conclusion about their reasons since we don't have enough information regarding this. However, what we can say is that the majority of moms have an open mind and will hire a sitter based on a person's qualifications and what they think will be ideal for the care of their children. Could we say that they are more secure about themselves and trust their better halves more? Maybe. How about you? Would you hire a hot sitter?

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